Steve Gruber: Surprise! Covid-19 DIDN’T spread in Toronto
Here's what you need to know right now.
Surprise! Covid-19 DIDN’T spread in Toronto as panicked public health officials predicted a couple of weeks ago when hundreds of folks got together against the rules and partied like there was no tomorrow.
A UCLA professor is suspended for 3 weeks—or maybe more—because he declined to give students an extension on their accounting finals because of the death of George Floyd—even though nobody in his class knew the man. BUT the 4 decade prof is labeled racist.
The mindless push to defund and even dismantle police departments continues unabated and in fact fueled by idiot leftists and anarchists hell bent on destroying the nation refusing to understand the roll criminals play in crime and punishment. There is now a relentless drive to demonize those on the frontlines. The first responders and the police have gone from heroes to zeros according to the left.
A Judge in Virginia has blocked a move by the openly racist Governor Ralph Northam to tear down a statue of Robert E. Lee in Richmond. The issue is now on hold for at least 10 days, but protestors may not wait.
A Harvard Professor and former chair of the Chemistry and Biology Department has been indicted for lying to federal investigators about his role in helping build Chinese technologies—in furtherance of China’s national security. Another example of China trying to strangle freedom everywhere!
Meanwhile, at the White House President Trump is getting ready to unveil law enforcement and policing reform packages, and The President says there will be crossover with some Democratic ideas put forth but was not specific. The announcement coming as the funeral of George Floyd was held in Houston Texas.

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