Steve Gruber, Huge week in politics—it begins with Iowa Caucuses tonight in the Hawkeye State
It’s time to set the record straight. It’s what I do. I’m Steve Gruber— God bless America—this is The Steve Gruber Show Thursday January 30th 2020.
Here are 3 big things you need to know:
Number 3— Super Bowl 54—it was expected to a close game between the Chiefs and the 49ers, and there is nothing more American that the Gladiators of the Gridiron dueling to the be the best.
Number 2—The World Health Organization first issued a Global Health Emergency and now the United States has followed suit to deal with the fast spreading Coronavirus that began in Wuhan China. What do we need to know right now?
Number 1— Huge week in politics. It begins with Iowa Caucuses tonight in the Hawkeye State. Bernie knows it is his to lose. We will have a live report from Des Moines. Then tomorrow it’s the State of the Union and Wednesday everyone is expecting the ill fated and ill conceived impeachment effort against President Trump to finally come to a merciful conclusion.
Game Day in Iowa is today—and only 273 days until Election Day 2020