State Game Areas near Grand Rapids and Muskegon Trashed and Closed Indefinitely
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources says they've closed two State Game Areas on the west side of the state to deal with trash and other issues at the park reserves.
The closures affect the River Rogue State Game Area and Extension in Kent County between Cedar Springs and Kent City as well as the Muskegon State Game Area near Twin Lake.
A heartbreaking image of one of the natural areas was shared on social media along with the announcement of the closure.
It's worth noting, it's not just the trash that caused the state to close the parklands. The DNR also cites addressing safety issues, noise complaints and conflicts with hunters and hikers along the trails.
Reaction on social media was swift abhorring the negligence of those who trashed the parks and took away the enjoyment of others:
It is disgusting that people choose to trash our public lands like this. We always carry a garbage bag to clean up other people's messes when we hike.
Good. I hike over there and it’s just disgusting how much trash people leave all over that place. I’ve found 4 total dead calves and big steer at one of the smaller lots to park in. Makes me nervous too when I hike the nct [ed: North Country Trail] there because you can’t ever tell where they are shooting towards.
Thank you. This is LONG overdue as rogue River sga has been abused for some time.

That last comment may hold water. Take a look at Google reviews for the Rogue River State Game Area describing ongoing concerns about litter at the facility:
Nice it's there but would be nicer if people cleaned up after themselves
This SGA sees a lot of use and it shows. Lots of trash and abuse by the roads but like most places it improves considerably if you're willing or able to walk a few hundred yards off the road.
Nice land. Could be a lot better if people didn't use if for target practice and to dump their trash.
Here are more natural areas and outdoor adventures to explore around Michigan: