Ah, the beauty of Spring arrives on Sunday, and I'm so excited!

Spring Lemonade Stand

Two young boys at lemonade stand
Daniel Hurst/Getty Images

The sweet smell of Spring flowers, fresh cut grass, and more sunshine for us Michiganders! However, with it comes a much better chance of sever weather. You know, thunderstorms, tornados, hail, things like that. Does severe weather freak you out or does it fascinate you, so much so that you're running outside to check the sky several times during watches and warnings?

If you're the latter, this could be a really cool time for you. Seriously, you could become an official Severe Weather Spotter and help out broadcast Meteorologists along with the National Weather Service.

Storm Damage - Trees and Cars Don't Mix

damaged car
nevarpp/Getty Images

You know it's not as simple as just darting outside and looking up. Nope, you have to know what you're seeing and looking for. So, the National Weather Service has spotter training classes open for you, and they are FREE, and online. But you have to act fast because the class for the Grand Rapids-Holland area is TONIGHT!

Fox 17 reported you'll be trained in what to look for during severe weather, and how to report what you see. Things like Gust fronts, whatever that is, but that's why you're getting the training, funnel clouds, tornadoes, hail, torrential rain, just some fun things. The FREE, online class will last about an hour, too.

Scary Tornado

victor zastol`skiy/Getty Images

So then, you'll be the eyes/ears for the National Weather Service and report what you're seeing during severe weather. That information ultimately gets published on their website and gets sent via the National Weather Service Live Chat to broadcast meteorologists.

You do need to register before the class tonight so that you can log in, so, REGISTER HERE to get signed up, and start officially gazing the skies!


KEEP READING: What to do after a tornado strikes



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