Retail Store Five Below Is No Longer $5 & Below
Five Below is supposed to be like The Dollar Store in terms of pricing. Everything in the store, originally, was $5 and below. However, they no longer have items just for $5 or less, now it's more like $10 or less.
This is the first time in 17 years that prices have gone up in the store.
If you were looking for a bargain on something $5 or less, then you may want to bring a few extra bucks. The store has began raising prices on certain tech products, toys and games. The highest prices as of now, are around $10.
"We've always done everything possible to absorb cost increases," Five Below said in a statement. "Recently, we had to raise prices above $5 on tech items to keep providing the products you love."
Most of the store is still selling items for $5 or less. They have created a separate area in the store for items priced up to $10, and have named it the "Ten Below Gift Shop," as well as adding a section called the "Ten Below Tech."
So, the bigger question is, will the store keep it's name "Five Below"?
According to WYFF-TV, they are not going to change their name, but rather keep their current name as the company claims that most of the store does still remain at about $5 or less.