Why isn't there a Pure Michigan "potholes" commercial yet?

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Because if there is one thing that's absolutely PURE MICHIGAN, it's potholes.

Wait a minute.

One quick Google search later.


How about some science?

You know it's bad when we affectionately have a "pothole season".

But there's a perfectly logical reason why.

Potholes are created when snow and ice melt as part of Michigan's seasonal freeze-thaw cycles. Moisture seeps into the pavement, freezes, expands and thaws, creating a gap in the pavement. As vehicles drive over the gap, the pavement weakens leading to a pothole. (Clickondetroit)

So our getting dumped on a few weeks ago (13 inches of snow in Lansing in a day), the melting, the rain, the freezing, and then the melting again is doing us no favors.

Then we have to wait for the weather to get a little warmer and the patch crews to arrive.

Did you know that our driving over said patches was indeed part of the solution?

There may be a small amount of compaction achieved with the backside of a shovel, but the first cars and trucks to run over relatively loose piles of asphalt filler are the primary method to tamp down the mix.

But that same traffic is also what leads to further deterioration in a relatively short time. The net result is potholes return quite quickly – within days or weeks. (Clickondetroit)

Frandor isn't the problem this time.

I mean, eventually, we'll end up talking about Frandor and the potholes in the parking lot there. But we usually leave that up to our friends at Lansing Facts.

Nope. Today, we set our sights on Eastwood Towne Center.

Not the parking lots, but the two main roads into and out of the place.

Preyde Boulevard.

McConnell Adams TSM Lansing
McConnell Adams TSM Lansing

Definitely Centre Boulevard.

McConnell Adams TSM Lansing
McConnell Adams TSM Lansing

As you're leaving over by Sam's Club and Walmart (and approaching that light at Lake Lansing Road), be on the lookout for these bad boys.

McConnell Adams TSM Lansing
McConnell Adams TSM Lansing
McConnell Adams TSM Lansing
McConnell Adams TSM Lansing
McConnell Adams TSM Lansing
McConnell Adams TSM Lansing

If you're exiting by turning left (east) onto Lake Lansing, expect it to get real bumpy as they are all in those lanes.

We would suggest you leave on the other side but it's rough over there as well.

These are going to be a mess for a while and probably get worse before the patch crews get to it. So this is just a friendly heads up to save your rims and suspension.

Besides, you've got bigger fish to fry potholes to hit.

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