Porch Piracy Is Now A Felony In Michigan
It's the holiday season, and you're probably ordering gifts for friends and family, with the occasional gift for yourself as the season rolls on. With that, there is also a chance of people taking thing's off of your porch that you order online.
According to 9 & 10 News, as of Monday December 16th, packages that are left on your porch are protected by a new law, which makes it a state-level crime for someone to steal that package.
Given, just because this is a punishable act, doesn't mean packages will stop being stolen. You can have faith though, it is now rather punishable by the state of Michigan to steal packages off of porches, with prison time and a hefty fine.
First offense is a misdemeanor and a possible year in prison. Repeat offenses will be considered a felony, with nearly five years in prison, and a $1,000 fine.

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