Pfizer Working On Updated COVID-19 Vaccine To Handle Omicron Variant
I figured it wouldn't be long before Pfizer and other COVID-19 vaccine makers would begin tweaking the vaccine to handle the omicron variant.
The omicron variant is highly contagious and spreads like wildfires all across Michigan and the rest of the country.
Pfizer has put a study together involving the original COVID-19 vaccine and how they can create a better vaccine to handle the omicron variant.
So far vaccine makers have yet to find a clear reason to alter the vaccine recipe but that is what Pfizer is trying to find out with their new study.
The original recipe for COVID-19 still offers great protection against severe illness and death not to mention the booster adding even more protection.
According to WOOD, "We recognize the need to be prepared in the event this protection wanes over time and to potentially help address omicron and new variants in the future," Kathrin Jansen, Phizer's vaccine research chief, said in a statement.
Pfizer has 1,420 adults ages 18 to 55 that are part of the study. Pfizer is using an updated booster shot geared toward the omicron variant in these test subjects to see if they rev up their immune systems more than the original shot.
One of the studies Pfizer put together involved 600 people who received the vaccine 3 to 6 months ago who will receive an omicron-based booster shot. Another 600 test subjects who have gotten three regular doses of the Pfizer vaccine will either get the fourth dose of regular or the omicron booster. Some unvaccinated test subjects will receive three doses of the omicron vaccine.
I am glad to see Pfizer and other vaccine makers are expanding on these newer variants that have been created by the coronavirus mutations. Hopefully, omicron is the last variant for a while.