Pete Sepp, Socialist Price Controls Are a Job Killer
When government controls the means of production and pricing of anything, it means job losses. This is a major threat from proposals for socialist price controls on medicine in the U.S. The Executive Order to implement International Price Indexing (IPI) - price controls - for medicine will be a job killer. The American drug industry supports more than 4.5 million jobs nationwide but price controls will put people out of work.
Hyperbole? Here's what Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla says about IPI and jobs:
"The international price index is radical. Not only it is (sic) imposing socialized medicine to America, it also will create uncertainty and could lead to job losses.
We have plans to invest in both R&D and manufacturing in the United States. If finalized, these new (IPI) executive orders could force us to rethink those plans, consider job reductions and add to the economic and health anxiety already widely felt in our country." (Emphasis added)
With the highest unemployment rate in generations, the last thing we need is to lose more jobs - high paying jobs.
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