His last day was scheduled for January 21, 2022, but Oxford School District Superintendent Timothy Throne is taking a step back from retirement in lieu of the tragedy at Oxford High School.

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Throne, who has severed as Superintendent since 2015, announced Monday that he will delay his retirement and stay with the district as they work on healing and rebuilding from a mass shooting that took the lives of 4 students. In a letter posted on the district's website, Throne explained his decision.

"In recent days, I have been discussing my planned retirement with my family, my pastor, and my Board and have made the decision to hit pause on my planned retirement to avoid adding additional uncertainty or disruption to our school community, which has suffered so much", he wrote. "I remain solely focused on responding to this tragedy, and I am committed to making sure our students, families, and staff are fully supported during this difficult time for our community. Now is simply not the right time for me to leave".

Throne also acknowledged the outpouring of support, prayers, and encouragement from people within Oxford, across our state, and around the world and gave thanks. He went on to say that he would be working closing with the district to not only help the healing process for students, staff, and the community but would help in finding his replacement.

Throne, whose four-year contract is set to expire December 22, 2022, has been named as one of several defendants in a $100 million lawsuit filed by two of the survivors of the shooting at Oxford High school on November 30, 2021. The suit accuses school officials of failing to stop an attack that inflicted physical and psychological injuries on students according to reports.

Thorne announced his retirement at the start of the new school year and the district began its search for a new leader in October. According to the Detroit News, his base salary is $206,811.

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

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