The official start to summer for any Michigander, has to be a good old baseball game. Whether you are going somewhere local like the Lansing Lugnuts, or somewhere as big as the Detroit Tigers.

Baseball in Michigan is the official kickoff to summer, especially in the lower peninsula.

Read More: The Top Foods To Have At A Baseball Game

But, I noticed something while at my first Detroit Tigers game, and I think there just has to be a better way.

Comerica Park, We Have To Find A Better Way

I have to make it clear, this just recently was my first official Detroit Tigers game, ever. So I haven't been as much as the seasoned veteran whos been going for twenty years, nor the average ticket holder.

But I noticed something that I have to talk about, and maybe you could agree about it.

Nathan Vandenburg TSM
Nathan Vandenburg TSM

We're talking about the eating department.

Nathan Vandenburg TSM
Nathan Vandenburg TSM

My sister and a couple of friends all made the venture down to Detroit for our first game, and on an empty stomach no less.

Now, I don't know about you, but I get a little hangry if I am lacking in food. The line situation at this specific section of Comerica Park, was of no help to that hunger.

Nathan Vandenburg TSM
Nathan Vandenburg TSM

Acknowledging The Awkward And Sometimes Confusing Problems

For starters, it took us a good six minutes for us to realize we were in the wrong line to start with when we decided to go get food inside the park. The only reason we even realized we were in the wrong line was because I overheard a woman behind us tell her friend where to order her food.

If you've never been to this area before, there is a line to order, then you step out of line and jump back into the pick-up line.

Nathan Vandenburg TSM
Nathan Vandenburg TSM

Let me make it clear, that I understand why this is a useful and quick way to get the next person going with their order, however, it felt like it took twice as long to get my food after that.

After we stepped out of the ordering line, we stepped into the pickup line which was a nice twenty-minute wait, which for a hangry baseball goer, is a very long time.

Given, it is only in this specific area that this is an actual problem. Little Caesars Pizza is a quick little stop-and-order, and getting a hot dog is beyond simple!

So, What Is The Solution?

In honesty, I am at a loss for ideas for this specific area...

We aren't asking for a hot dog, popcorn, or cotton candy. We're talking Tacos, Chicken Shwarma, and other places that give off a more restaurant taste. So, do we ask them to make pre-made bowls that will get cold by the time you get them?

If you have any ideas, I am all ears, but I will say the walking Tacos and Nachos we got were pretty great inside the ballpark. So the wait was worth it, but we have to have a better system here, right?

Check Out Every Detroit Tigers No-Hitter Thrown

The Detroit Tigers added another no hitter to their long history this week. Despite having some hall of fame pitchers, the Tigers have only thrown 8 no-hitters. Check out the list of pitchers responsible for those no-no's, along with the no-hitter that should have been.

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