Now Bug Names Are Racist And Offensive?
It appears just about everything in the entire world could be systemically racist. Now it appears that the scientific word of bugs has been hit with a racist scandal. Back in June of 2021 The Entomological Society of America removed “gypsy moth” and “gypsy ant” as “recognized common names for two insect species in its Common Names of Insects and Related Organisms List”. They stated that the existing common names for the moth Lymantria dispar and the ant Aphaenogaster araneoides were “identified as containing a derogatory term for the Romani people”, that would be “gypsy”.
In the past the organization would only remove names that are not scientifically accurate. The Entomological Society of America Governing Board voted unanimously last week to approve the addition of "spongy moth". To date they have not decided on what word to replace for the “gypsy ant”.
I have been informed that people who are over weight and called spongy have joined together to ask the Entomological Society of America to replace the name “spongy moth” with some other name.
Also, I have been informed groups are coming together all over the world to ask the Entomological Society of America to rename the following insects because they feel the names are offensive to them:
- Assassin Bugs (a group representing assassins are offended by this name)
- Black Widow Spider
- Black and Yellow Argiope
- Black Blister Beetle
- Black Vine Weevel
- Black Flies
- Carpet Beetle (people who produce and install carpet are offended by this name)
- Driver Ants (people who do not drive are offended by this name)
- Fruit Flies (people who love fruit are offended by this name)
- Horse Flies (people who love horses are offended by this name)
- Harvester Ants (people too lazy to harvest their own crops are offended by this name)
- Hairy Fungus Beetles (people who do not like to shave any part of their body are offended by this name)
- Long-Horned Beetles (people who believe size does not matter are offended by this name)
- March Flies (people who believe the other months are being overlooked are offended by this name)
- Short-Horned Moths (people who believe size does not matter are offended by this name)
- Solider Beetles (people who are against any armed forces and believe that everyone should just love each other are offended by this name)
- Pleasing Fungus Beetles (people who believe these beetles should not be forced to please anyone if they choose not to are offended by this name)
- Indian Meal Moth
- Midget Moths
- Meal worm (people who produce meals for other people are offended by this name)
- Pigmy Sand Crickets
- Stink Bugs (people who do not bath on a regular schedule are offended by this name)
- Japanese Beetle
- Unique Headed Bugs (people who represent non-unique Headed bugs are offended by this name)
- White grubs
- White Flies
There is more but my fingers got tired to type any longer.
Many of those insects live right here in Michigan.