Michigan Woman Uses Motorized Scooter To Rob Walmart
This Walmart scooter bandit thought she had this theft in the bag.
I'm not sure what's going on at the Woodhaven, MI Walmart. But we just covered the story yesterday of the woman attempting to steal a birthday cake from this store before getting locked up. The suspect in today's story had an interesting strategy to her heist.
The News Herald reports that this 48-year-old woman drove her scooter to the front of the store to load up on Walmart bags. Then she gradually collected almost $200 worth of items from food to men's wear. Once she had those items placed in her Walmart bags she headed toward the exit in her scooter.
Much to her dismay, a prevention loss officer witnessed the bag grab at the front of the store and knew something was up. So, he kept an eye on the scooter bandit right up until he stopped her at the exit and called the police.
Am I the only one that was hoping for a high speed scooter chase in this story?