Michigan State Police Issue Endangered Missing Person Advisory
This morning you may have seen (or may see) an Endangered Missing Person Advisory on the digital sign on Southbound U.S. 127 at State Road. The alert is asking motorists to be on the lookout for a dark blue 2006 Chrysler Pacifica with the license plate number ECN6101. The Endangered Missing Advisory is regarding a mother and her 3-year-old daughter from Sanilac County. Police say that 31-year-old Tara Sheldon and her daughter Alydiauna Sophia Munn, were last seen on January 12th. Click here to see a photo of the two and to read more from Mlive about what happened regarding their disappearance.
What exactly is an Endangered Missing Advisory? According to the Michigan State Police, it's used for "cases involving missing persons that DO NOT meet the AMBER Alert criteria. The EMA can be utilized for endangered missing persons of all ages." Click here to find out more.