It took a Republican female state Senator by the name of Lana Theis to introduce a bill in the Senate that states girls should play on girl's teams and boys should play on boy's teams in high school sports.  Thus protecting girls and young women from the advantage biological boys have when it comes to physical characteristics.

Senator Theis introduced Senate Bill 0218 (2021) which states:

‘The board of a school district or intermediate school district or board of directors of a public school academy shall ensure that each high school operated by the board or board of directors, as applicable, establishes and maintains a policy that includes both of the following:

(a) If the school designates a team in an interscholastic athletic activity offered to pupils enrolled at the school as a girls', women's, or female team, a requirement that each pupil who competes for a position on that team or who is selected to compete on that team must be female based on biological sex.

(b) If the school designates a team in an interscholastic athletic activity offered to pupils enrolled at the school as a boys', men's, or male team, a requirement that each pupil who competes for a position on that team or who is selected to compete on that team must be male based on biological sex.

(2) As used in this section, "biological sex" means the physical condition of being male or female as determined by an individual's chromosomes and anatomy as identified at birth.”

It is as simple as that.  High School sports teams would be made up of either all girls or boys based on their biological sex.  That now means that high schools would have to follow science when it comes to their athletic teams.

In a press release Senator Theis stated:

‘As a society, we fought for generations to ensure girls and women, through Title IX, have an equal opportunity to compete in athletics on a level playing field...Sadly, today, identity politics threatens all that was sacrificed and gained. Across our country, biological females are losing opportunities at titles, records, scholarships and, at times, participation itself.

She went on to say:

“Something must be done to preserve the legacy of Title IX — a staple of American society. So, very simply, my bill will ensure that, in school sports in Michigan, student athletes will compete against one another according to their biological sex — females against females, and males against males.”

This bill is really there to protect all girls and young women from losing their ability to play high school sports or at the very least winning competitions when they could be competing against biological males.

As female former Olympic swimmer Sharron Davies stated; transgender athletes 'with a male sex advantage' should be banned from women's sport.  She was interviewed by Tucker Carlson in 2019 and said the following:

Is it too much to ask to protect girls and young women when they are playing sports, or in their locker rooms or bathrooms?  Apparently so because the elected state Democrats are extremely upset over this bill.

This bill was not introduced to exclude or harm anyone.  It simply recognizes that biological sex due to inherent genetic traits gives males an advantage over females when it comes to athletic competitions that involve strength and speed.  You can deny that all you want but it is true.  Please follow the science and you will come to the same conclusion.

According to the CDC, they performed a “population-based survey data from 10 state and nine urban school districts found that an average of 1.8% of high school students identify as transgender”.


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