Michigan Enjoys Homecoming 2018
You can make what you will of the economy since Donald Trump became President. You can debate whether or not his policies have led to economic expansion and a burst of optimism around the country. You can believe or dismiss a CNN poll last week that found 57% of Americans think the economy is doing very well right now.
What there is little debate about is the return of Michigan natives to take one of the thousands of job openings in the state. It is truly a homecoming for many. People packed up beginning in 2007 and that continued for several years. It finally slowed down a couple of years ago and ever since President Trump has been in office many of those that moved to places like North Carolina, Texas and Ohio are finding their way back home.
With so many good paying jobs available in Michigan right now it is certainly a great time to come home and take advantage of the boom. And to those who have recently returned let me say welcome back, we’ve missed you.