How Annoyed Do You Get Washing Your Car During Winter In Michigan?
This really shouldn't be that hard.
First, you have to actually COMMIT to the car wash itself.
Acceptance is the first step. Your car is dirty. And by the time we decide to wash our cars in Michigan, we all know it is well beyond the point of no return.
How many times have you either walked past your car because you didn't recognize it (COVERED IN GUNK) or your friends and family have scribbled some gentle nudging into the layer of salt and dirt?
Wash me indeed.
And then there is this.
You know, that wedge of dirty snow that collects between your tire and the body of your car in the winter? Is there a name for that? There should be.
Read More: 19 Names Michiganders Give to Those Snow Icebergs on Your Car
A good wash will get rid of that layer of crud both on the car and in the wheel well.
After you decide, today is the day...
Here come the questions and decisions.
Where are you headed?
You didn't think this was going to be easy, did you? You've on got more decisions to make.
Will you be getting out and washing it yourself in a car wash bay?
You're probably thinking these won't be as packed and you'll be saving some cash.
About that "not as packed" thing.
Yup. Everyone had the same idea you did.
Fine, let's let the machines do it.
But no matter where you go, it's not as simple as getting a quick $8 basic wash (and that's the lowest price I found at most drive-through places).
Because every joint now has something like an unlimited car wash plan.
Or unlimited wash pass.
So why get one lousy wash when you can join our plan, get the pass, drive right through and come back as many times in a month as you'd like? After a couple of washes, your plan has already paid for itself.
And if you're a new member, you get so much off of your first month. Also, don't forget that subscription means you'll be paying every month and that means AUTO-RENEW.
I'd be down to buy a card or pass that lasts for a just month or so many predetermined days. But It's the auto-renew at a car wash that makes me shy away from this deal.
Sure, I'd like to just zip in and out of the car wash spot as often as I'd like. But by my own admission, it's not easy for me as a Michigander to actually commit to the car wash itself. Much less the actual car wash subscription plan.
And I don't know if I'm cheap or just being practical because I'm just washing the car to get the layer of gunk off the car and the fenderbergs out of the wheel well.
The car will practically be dirty before I get it back to the house if there's still snow and slush around.
This conundrum is confusing and annoying.
Or is it just me?
What do you do? Basic wash or deluxe? Single wash every time or subscription? Deluxe wash or basic? Old skool and do it yourself in a wash bay or drive-through and let the machines do it?
Hit us up on the app or our socials and let us know.
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