For all the talk about how our Michigan auto insurance would be getting cheaper, it seems like nothing has changed. A new survey from says Michigan is still the most expensive state to buy auto insurance. Michiganders, on average, pay $1908 in yearly premiums. And except for New York state, which is 49th, nobody is even close. New Jersey at #48 is almost $600 per year cheaper. And here's something even more infuriating, California ranks 38th. Californians darn near lived in their cars, and yet their premiums are over $1000 a year less than what we pay here in Michigan. It's tempting to think about moving to Wyoming, which has the cheapest insurance premiums in the country, almost $1600 per year less than what we pay in Michigan.
Wallet Hub offers some tips for saving money on insurance, starting with getting a less nice car. "Certain car models cost more to insure than others. Cars that are safer and cost less, like minivans and SUVs, are cheaper to insure than expensive, fast sports cars."
Also, be on your best driving behavior. In other words, so down. Tickets are expensive, but factor in what they do for your insurance premiums, and they're really expensive.
Some other things to look at: Make sure you check for discounts, like if you're a veteran, or a student, or good driving record. Even your score factors into this.
One last thing to check is how much coverage you have to have, and how much you want.
It might worth your time to call your insurance agent and ask, why, after all the talk about lowering our rates, why you are still paying through the nose. If nothing else, it starts a dialogue about some of things mentioned above, and might save you a few bucks.

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