AAA of Michigan is reporting what to some, will be alarming statistics. The organization recently studied the correlation between people using marijuana, and fatal vehicle crashes. The study looked at a long period before recreational marijuana became legal in Washington State, and then a similar five year period after the legalization of pot in that state. The statistics show the number of drivers involved in fatal crashes testing positive for active THC, pot’s primary psychoactive drug, doubled following legalization.

AAA also reports in the five years before legalization in Washington State, an average of 56 drivers involved in fatal crashes each year were THC-positive. Then in the five years post-legalization, the average went up to 130. A  Triple-A spokesperson says the study is not an attempt to determine if marijuana contributed to the crashes. It focused only on the prevalence of drivers who tested positive for active THC. The spokesman says AAA is against any form of impaired driving. It’s hoping Michigan drivers take notice of the study results.


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