Look Inside This Abandoned Factory In Northern Michigan
There was once a certain hum that used to fill the walls of this now crumbling building, that will never be heard again.
Now, the building sits falling in on itself, left to those who want to tempt fate by exploring this building.
Abandoned Michigan Factory
Take a look below inside of the factory that now sits empty somewhere here in Michigan. As a reminder, never explore an abandoned property without permission from the owners.
Also, use caution, as you will see below, this building is decaying inward on itself. You wouldn't want to be caught at the wrong spot inside of this building.
Look Inside This Abandoned Factory In Michigan
A place that was probably once filled with a hum of machinery now sits empty and crumbling in on itself.
@classyhooligan Perfect vehicle to do sketchy things in #abandonedplaces#puremichigan#michigan#Abandoned#abandonedmichigan#urbex#forgotten#exploring♬ Gilly's Theme - Lamniformes
Take A Look Around This Abandoned Michigan Amusement Park
A pace that once held laughter and tons of life now sits abandoned and covered in graffiti.
Look Inside This Now Abandoned Michigan Mall
You may not want to venture into some of these abandoned places yourself, and that's fine. Other people will do it for you it seems. *As a caution, always avoid trespassing on private property. Be aware of possible injury as well due to the possibility of an aging structure.*