While it was once a booming city, the city of Detroit, isn't all what it once was. In fact, you may find more hollow buildings than you would have 100 years ago.

A find on TikTok shows that to be the case, as an explorer takes an exploration inside the catacombs of an old Detroit Hospital.

Abandoned Detroit Area Hospital

They are something that aren't associated with happy thoughts for many people. Given the state of the basement shown here of this Detroit hospital, I can't imagine this hospital has seen much of anything lately.

Take a look below of what remains in the basement of this Detroit hospital.

elevate675 via TikTok
elevate675 via TikTok

The stairs leading up into another section in the basement.

elevate675 via TikTok
elevate675 via TikTok

What appears to be an old boiler in the basement.

elevate675 via TikTok
elevate675 via TikTok

Little corner in the hospital.

elevate675 via TikTok
elevate675 via TikTok

Upper deck in the basement.

elevate675 via TikTok
elevate675 via TikTok

Debris littering the basement floor.

elevate675 via TikTok
elevate675 via TikTok

Old air conditioning unit, tucked away in the corner near a window.

elevate675 via TikTok
elevate675 via TikTok

Corner with two air vents and what appears to be hanging copper.

elevate675 via TikTok
elevate675 via TikTok

One lonely chair sitting in the basement.

@elevate675 #forgotten #abandoned #abandoneddetroit #spooky #olddetroit #spirts #paranormal #exploringabandonedplaces #exploringdetroit #detroit #michigan #ghost #tiktok #dontlookbehind #dontlookifyoudontwannabescarredforlife #haha ♬ Spooky, quiet, scary atmosphere piano songs - Skittlegirl Sound

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