Over the last 9 years the liberal mentality is to run our country and our schools by the mob rules mentality.  That has served them well to some extent but that mentality always has a tendency to eventually turn itself on you.

For example we can point to the #metoo crowd.  The liberals are now becoming worried and upset that it is going too far and their allies, who they believe have not done any wrong, are being taken out, see comedian Aziz Ansari.

It has now hit home in the great state of Michigan at one of our great Universities, Michigan State.

We have all heard about the Dr. Larry Nassar, a once world-renowned physician for USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University.  Dr. Nassar pleaded guilty to seven counts of sexual assault in Ingham County and was sentenced yesterday to 40 to 175 years in prison.  This sentencing followed a long sentencing hearing that included victim impact statements from 156 women and girls who were molested.

Once the details of this case started to become known there were whispers that MSU President Lou Anna Simon should resign.  Once more girls and women started to tell the story of what happened to them by this evil human being those whispers started to grow into people openly discussing what should happen to Ms. Simon.  As even more stories were told that open discussion became a loud conversation which then turned into the mob calling for someone’s head and that head was Ms. Simons.

I would agree with the mob that Ms. Simon should resign if they could prove that she knew what Nassar was doing and either covered it up or took steps to block the investigation of it, but they have not.

Since to date there is no proof that Ms. Simon knew of what Nassar was doing, covered it up and/or blocked, stalled or stymied an investigation my question is why are they calling for her resignation.

They called for it and I assume due to an avalanche of students, board members, Michigan newspaper, state politicians, and even Michigan’s two Democrat Senators Stabenow and Peters she dutifully resigned last night.

The question I have is why is she resigning if she believes she did nothing wrong.  Some of the reason may be to allow Michigan State University to have a new fresh start starting from the top but I am also believing that a large part is also because of the ever growing “mob” of people who are calling for her resignation.

As I started this piece off with, live by the mob rules mentality, die by the mob rules mentality.

Maybe some of the liberals should start thinking about using the mob mentality to their advantage when it suits them because in the end an angry and hungry tiger will eventually eat its handler.

The Lansing State Journal published her resignation letter in full:

Members of the Board of Trustees:

The last year and a half has been very difficult for the victims of Larry Nassar, for the university community, and for me personally.  To the survivors, I can never say enough that I am so sorry that a trusted, renowned physician was really such an evil, evil person who inflicted such harm under the guise of medical treatment.  I know that we all share the same resolve to do whatever it takes to avert such tragedies here and elsewhere.

As you and many in the Spartan family know, I planned to retire in December 2016, and we had begun a conversation about a smooth transition.  Then the Indianapolis Star article appeared about USAG and one of the victims contacted MSU police to file a complaint.  The MSU Police investigation commenced.  Nassar’s employment was terminated shortly thereafter.  Work began within the HealthTeam and other areas of the university to improve safety.  Given the challenges, my transition was postponed.  I appreciate the support you provided.

The survivors’ accounts are horrific.  They are tragic, heartbreaking, and personally gut-wrenching.  I take solace that many victims have indicated that the opportunity to confront Nassar is a step toward healing.  I am proud of the exceptional work of the Special Victims Unit led by Lieutenant Andrea Munford with the steadfast leadership of Chief Dunlap.  I am proud of my support of their work even though the results have been very painful to all who watched.

As Nassar’s legal journey to prison was drawing to a close, more and more negative attention was focused on Michigan State University, and on me.  I am pleased that statements have been made by Mr. Fitzgerald and Board members about my integrity and the fact that there is no cover-up.  I support wholeheartedly the Board’s decision to ask the Attorney General’s Office to review the events surrounding the Nassar matter.  This is an important step toward providing more assurance to the university community and to the public.  In the past, I have provided assurances to the Attorney General of my full cooperation, and I will continue to do so.

As tragedies are politicized, blame is inevitable.  As president, it is only natural that I am the focus of this anger.  I understand, and that is why I have limited my personal statements.   Throughout my career, I have worked very hard to put Team MSU first.  Throughout my career, I have consistently and persistently spoken and worked on behalf of Team MSU.  I have tried to make it not about me.  I urge those who have supported my work to understand that I cannot make it about me now.  Therefore, I am tendering my resignation as president according to the terms of my employment agreement.

Anyone who knows me knows I am a principled person.  I have spent my entire professional career, more than 40 years, at MSU.  I love this place.  I have watched it grow and prosper, and it has been the honor and privilege of my life to serve as its president since 2005, and over the last few years, to have the opportunity to work with all of you toward our shared goals for MSU. I will continue to do whatever I can to help MSU prosper in the future as a Spartan in whatever role I may play.


Lou Anna K. Simon, President

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