Lansing Police To Hold Abandoned Vehicle Sale
Did you ever wonder how vehicles become abandoned? No? Well I don't think I ever did either until I saw that the Lansing Police Department is having a sale of said vehicles.
Now I don't guess I really know all of the ways that a vehicle becomes abandoned but I guess it can happen a lot of ways. Like when you're driving down the road one day and you see a car there on the side. And then you drive by the next day, and there it is...the same car sitting there. And it happens the rest of the week and then all of a sudden you drive by and it's gone. The owners finally came back to get their car or it got hauled away on a wrecker. So I guess that's one way...
Anyway, if you check out the Lansing Police Department's Facebook page, you'll see that LPD has quite a collection of vehicles that need new homes and if you need a vehicle that hopefully won't cost you a ton, this could be a good way to go.
Now if you are interested in looking into an abandoned vehicle purchase there are some things you need to know and things you need to do to participate in this sale and all of the information is on the Lansing Police Department's Facebook page. And you'll need to move kind of quick because the sale happens on Wednesday. You'll get handy info on the Facebook page like minimum bids, how and where to drop off your bids and more.
Get all the info here at the Lansing Police Department's Facebook page.

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