Look Inside This Sunken Ship In Lake Superior
There is nothing like a shipwreck that you would find here in the great lakes. They all are so well preserved thanks to the fresh water and the cool temperatures.
I stumbled upon this unnamed shipwreck in Lake Superior, which is still in amazing condition. You can see the bunk bed so well preserved, as well as the port holes that are preserved beautifully.
Sunken Ship In Lake Superior
Take a look at this vessel that is preserved beautifully in the cool waters of Lake Superior, below.
Look Inside This Sunken Ship In Lake Superior
There's always something so intriguing about Michigan shipwrecks. Especially due to the fact that they are so well preserved in our fresh waters. Take a look below at this Michigan shipwreck.
The best part about Michigan waters too is that you can explore many of the ships that sit below the cool waters. Of course, you can have objects interfere with your line of sight, even in the waters of the great lakes, the waters of the great lakes offer an exploration unlike any other.
@navarrefamparanormaladv Sunken #sunkenship#lakesuperior#foryou#PonderWithZion#ROMWEGetGraphic#Destinationdepop#navarrefam#creepyfacts♬ Suspense - Dreamtime
The Shipwreck Harlow Loran in Lake Saint Clair
Barge 129 Discovered in Lake Superior 120 Years After Being Shipwrecked
A barge that was shipwrecked by bad weather 120 years ago was discovered at the bottom of Lake Superior by a team working for the Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society.