The Top 5 Things ALL Michiganders Should Give Up For Lent
It is officially Lenten season.
From February 14th to Easter Sunday on March 31, people are giving up the things they love for the next 40 days,
During Lent, many people decide to give up chocolate, sweets or even using social media.
But I have a few things that I think every Michigan resident should give up. Do you agree?

The Top 5 Things ALL Michiganders Should Give Up For Lent
1. Wearing Detroit Lions Gear
While I know that everyone was so excited about the Detroit Lions' superb season, how do I say this nicely?
The season is over...
It is time to hang up your jerseys and merch until next season.
Maybe we can show some support to other Michigian-related teams for a little bit.
You have so many to choose from, both professionally and collegiate.
- Detroit Tigers
- Detroit Red Wings
- Detroit Pistons
2. Saying OPE!
While living in Michigan, I have surprisingly heard a lot of people saying this.
I do not know whether it is subconscious or not but we can let it go.
Are all Michiganders simply afraid of saying sorry?
Let's try to say that more. Please.
3. Road Rage
I completely understand that driving on 131 can raise your blood pressure.
Let's get rid of road raging for the next 40 days.
What is all that anger going to do? Will it make the person in front of you drive faster?
The answers to all of the above questions are absolutely nothing.
4. Eating Any Iconic Michigan Foods
For the Lenten season, all Michigan-related foods are off-limits.
I know I just broke a few people's hearts.
It is not the end of the world if you do not have your Paczki or Mackinac fudge fix for 40 days.
Coney Island Hot Dogs, Cornish Pasties, and Superman ice cream also fall under this list.
Last but certainly not least,
5. You Must Return All Shopping Carts At Meijer
If you are one of the people who are extremely lazy and do not put their carts back, I am solely talking to you.
It is not that hard to put the shopping carts back where you got it from or in one of the convenient carrols in the parking lots.
Do better this Lenten season!