Are you one of the millions of people who suffer from seasonal allergies? If you said 'yes,' you are not alone.

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According to the CDC, as many as 60 million people per year suffer from symptoms including sneezing, runny nose, and congestion caused from seasonal allergies in the United States.

How Does Michigan's Climate Affect Allergy Season?

Michigan's allergy season has actually been said to be a bit shorter than other nearby states due to the cold winter temps, according to WYNDLY. But a new University of Michigan study confirms increased temperatures caused by climate change are making the pollen season more intense.

This has also caused the typical allergy season of March through November in Michigan to start earlier and end later in recent years.

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

The Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America, or A.A.F.A., compiled a list of 2023 Allergy Capital cities across the United States broken down by 'better than average', 'average', and 'worse than average' pollen counts, allergy medication usage, and allergy-related doctor visits.

Which Michigan City Made the List of Allergy Capitals?

Based on all the factors listed above, the Michigan city that made the list is none other than Grand Rapids, coming in at #26 in the entire country. The three factors used to determine this rating were as follows: Grand Rapids' pollen count is currently worse than average, with both allergy medication usage and allergy-related doctor visits falling into the 'average' category. This gave Grand Rapids a total score of 75.57, with the average being 71.49.

When you compare these numbers to Wichita, KS, the #1 city on the list with a total score of 100, it somewhat puts everything into a better perspective locally.

Regardless of the city you currently reside in, allergy season is real in Michigan, and worse than ever. But with all the good things Michigan has to offer, it kind of makes allergy season worth it, right? At least we live in a time where allergy meds exist.

These Michigan Plants Will Irritate Your Seasonal Allergies

Spring is where allergies run rampant here in Michigan and for that we can thank pollen...Specifically, tree pollen. Here's a look at the biggest culprits.

How You and Your Car Can Fight of the Pollen This Spring

Avoid allergies and a pollen-covered car on the Michigan roadways with some helpful tips.

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