This abandoned house in Muskegon must've been in such bad shape – or dangerous – or toxic – that the videographer didn't even attempt to enter.

Looking at the outside photos, one can only imagine how the interior appears. The house seems to be leaning a little to the right, the roof has collapsed over the front porch, a large tree has been cut down (or did a storm knock it over?) with chain-sawed logs scattered thru the yard, an old motor boat, front yard garbage, strewn toys & clothing, discarded furniture, crumbling eaten-away porch.....and that's just the front yard.

The backyard...oh my gosh...even worse.

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A couple of rotting sheds, two picnic tables (one adult, one kids), ripped wicker chairs, dilapidated basketball hoop, kids playhouse, toys, rusted swing set, broken wood chairs, and some other stuff that I can't pinpoint.

Unfortunately, places like this exist in practically every city and town. Whether the owner(s) passed away, was thrown in jail, or mysteriously disappeared...they still dot our landscape.

Now see the photos for yourself.

Abandoned Muskegon Neighborhood House


Abandoned Houses in the Michigan Thumb

Abandoned Community

Abandoned Deer Acres Fun Park