Normally, when you think of pirates, you think of swashbuckling buccaneers sailing the high seas and plundering British in Spanish ships. The beginnings of our country had many reputable privateers that turned into pirates, but many people may not realize that Michigan also had their fair share of Pirates.

People will be channeling their inner pirate in September when they take over South Haven, for the South Haven pirate invasion. But there won’t be any destruction or plundering as much as they will be drinking and good times. The Crew of the Silver Moon is a group of historical and fantasy reenactors who are organizing this fifth annual invasion, as their event describes where their adventures will take them:
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What Is Taking Place At The South Haven Pirate Invasion?

Start the day finding the Captain Timber Gray Wolf at the downtown park and getting a map of the City. The crew will begin their tour shortly after Noon. Enjoy the day with the whole family enjoying the taste and sights of South Haven. The crew will be making their way throughout the town stopping at a few pubs on the map and enjoying some fantastic drinks. Then meeting at the Old Village Harbor for the final meet-up at 6 pm and at 7 pm. Then to the lighthouse for set witness to the green flash upon the sunset
Going back in history and looking at pirates of the Great Lakes, names like Calico Jack, James Jesse Strang, and Roaring Dan Seavey are just a few pirates. You can read up on here, and the impact that they had on the local community in West Michigan in the Great Lakes region.

Hix House In Livonia Pirates of the Caribbean Halloween 2022

In prior years we've seen everything from Beetlejuice to Ghostbusters but this year's theme took on the Pirates of the Caribbean, equipped with its very own Black Pearl, with a realistic dungeon inside, along with a voodoo hut that featured a manikin dressed as Tia Dalma.

Gallery Credit: Stacie Marie

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