Free-spirited teen goes viral on TikTok with ollies, flips and other crazy skateboard tricks.

Eric is an 18-year-old Kalamazoo man that goes by @krookedmonke_ on TikTok.  As of September 5th, 2023 he has 10.3 thousand followers and 687.1 thousand total video likes.  I asked Eric to describe his content and this is what he said,

I would describe my content as free spirited, I see skateboarding and my content as a form of self expression and a way of showing my journey and progression through something I love. I love getting people on the board.

Eric's most watched TikTok is an 8 second video of him doing a triple heal in Vicksburg.  That video has been viewed 1.4 million times with over a quarter of a million likes.

Eric's second most viewed video shows him attempting his highest ollie.  This short TikTok has been viewed 348.4 thousand times so far.

I'm learning that there is an entirely different language in the skateboarding community as I comb thru the comments of Eric's third most viewed video.  By the way, I don't know how he doesn't hit his head on the ceiling or knees on the floor when trying this indoors.  This video has been viewed nearly 150 thousand times so far.

You can see more of Eric's videos by clicking here.

Here are Eric's three favorite TikTokers

You can follow 103.3 KFR on TikTok by clicking here.

Do you know a TikTok creator that's based in Southwest Michigan that has 10,000 or more followers? If so, we want to know about them. You can nominate yourself or someone you know below. Your nomination can be a person, local business, sports team...etc.

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These are the TikTok creators in Southwest Michigan ranked by followers. Updated 08/29/2023

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