Why Are Michigan Drivers Refusing to Use Their Headlights?
Have you noticed this trend too?
Not like we haven't all forgotten to turn our headlights on a time or two, but I thought most cars these days have automatic headlights. So, why are there so many cars driving in the dark?

I know the time change has been an adjustment and still, we haven't even made it to the shortest day of the year but the time change is nothing new! We've been doing this forever. How hard is it to remember to flip your lights on?
I thought I was the only one going crazy until I saw a similar post on the Kalamazoo, Michigan Reddit thread asking:
Am I the only one noticing a lot of cars driving without headlights? I’ve seen a ton in the past few weeks. It already seems like license plates are optional, are headlights now optional?
As we're quickly approaching 5 o'clock sunsets in Michigan this means it's practically twilight during our commute home. I know that can still mean objects are visible to the naked eye but let's remember-- headlights exist not only to illuminate your drive but alert others of your presence.
Do we all have to take drivers ed. all over again?!
Not only is it common courtesy to use your headlights it's actually the law. According to Michigan Vehicle Code:
257.684 (a) Every vehicle upon a highway within this state at any time from a half hour after sunset to a half hour before sunrise and at any other time when there is not sufficient light to render clearly discernible persons and vehicles on the highway at a distance of 500 feet ahead shall display lighted lamps and illuminating devices
I know common courtesy used to be flashing your lights to the offending driver, but am I wrong for not doing that? I feel like these days you can never be too careful. You also never really know how strangers will react!
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There's also an urban legend that claims flashing your headlights at another driver is actually a gang initiation. According to Snopes that rumor is false but like I said, you can never be too careful.
On the Kalamazoo subreddit locals shared their recent experiences in the comments:
- "YES! I’ve seen it a lot too. I flash my brights which used to be considered the right thing to do because it draws the drivers attention to their lights assuming they are just inattentive...I’ve been wondering the same thing myself." - u/KzooRichie
- "I see plenty of Kalamazoo and Portage cops driving at night and in the rain without their headlights on too" - u/mhiinz
- "Thank you. I thought it was just odd, but I've flashed my lights at 4 cars on 131 south in the last week. Not a one turned theirs on. " - u/Ordinary-Piano-8158
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