So, you have a dog, and he/she needs some grooming. A bath isn't so bad but just try cutting their nails. Oh baby!

Photo by Mirko Fabian on Unsplash
Photo by Mirko Fabian on Unsplash

They're not having any of it, right?

PDSA Dickin Medal Presented To British Army Dog Buster
Ian Waldie/Getty Images

They're running around the house, hiding, growling, wrestling with you. You try to grab a paw and... nothing. You give up!

Stop right there. Here is something you have never thought of and it's perfect.

Are you kidding me? Is that loony, or what?

This guy puts a shirt on his dog, that's a trick in itself, then he slathers his head with peanut butter so the dog can lick it off as he cuts his dog's nails.

First of all, guys, if you're not already mostly bald, you have to shave your head.

New Yorkers Shave Their Heads In Support Of CureSearch
Chris Hondros/Getty Images

I don't know, that may be an issue. Shaving your head just to trim your dog's nails is a bit severe.

The American Kennel Club says that nail trimming is an anxiety-laden experience for many dogs anyway, so you need to distract them, so use food.

hungry dog
damedeeso/Getty Images

Peanut butter will usually work, but you don't have to put it on your head. You can use some kind of small plastic or silicone mat and put the peanut butter on that. As your dog licks it off, you merrily clip away!

Make sure you get the proper tool, and, if you've never done it before, have your vet show you how.

Don't clip past the curve of the nail or you risk a lot of pain for the dog and possibly some blood.

Howie R/Unsplash
Howie R/Unsplash


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