Last week many schools around the state had their first snow days of the year after Michigan had a round of heavy snowfall followed by very icy conditions. It led to a discussion of how much longer schools will keep doing snow days versus moving classes online for the day.

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However, there is one school in Michigan that doesn't even have to worry about this conundrum because it never has snow days. Like, ever. The most shocking part is that the school is in one of Michigan's snowiest regions.


Lake View Hotel on Mackinac Island
Lake View Hotel via Facebook

What Goes Into Calling A "Snow Day"?

While every kid in Michigan looks forward to waking up and finding out school is canceled for the day, school officials don't make the decision lightly. There are a few things to consider, including:

  • Snow
  • Temperatures
  • Visibility
  • Brand-new High School Drivers

Buses can make it through ~six inches of snow, but driving on ice is difficult for everyone on the road. However, if you've picked up on a theme here, a lot of the decision-making boils down to driving. There is one place in Michigan that doesn't have to worry about driving conditions...because cars are banned there.

school bus in snow
Roger Mcclean

READ MORE: Michigan’s Snowiest Winters: A Look at Annual Totals Since 2000 |

Mackinac Island Public School

Mackinac Island, which has about 500 people living there year-round, gets about ~94 inches of snowfall a year. While most of the island shuts down during the winter, the kids who live there still need to go to school, no matter how much snow they're hit with. This causes the students to have to get creative in how they go to school.

Mackinac Island Public School
Google Maps

During the summer many walk or ride their bikes, however when snow covers the ground, many walk, ski, ride bikes with winter tires, or drive snowmobilesAccording to a post on Facebook, students are responsible for getting themselves to school. Those too young to drive a snowmobile are dropped by off parents.

Man driving sports snowmobile in Finnish Lapland in a sunny day
Getty Images

You can learn more about the school including how many students are in a class, how students partake in athletics, and more.

Annual Snowfall Totals In Grand Rapids, MI Since 2000

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

20+ Birds Around Michigan You'll See During The Winter

While much of Michigan's bird populations head south for the winter, plenty stay here throughout the cold. Crazily enough, some even head North instead. Bird information courtesy of

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill