Dumpster diving is usually something done by homeless people looking for food or a Michigan black bear looking for a snack, but are people doing this at cannabis stores?

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What is Dumpster Diving?

Milchail Svetlov/Getty Images
Milchail Svetlov/Getty Images

Dumpster diving consists of a person getting into a dumpster and retrieving something from it. Sometimes it is to get something to eat, other times it is to re-use an item someone else threw out, and sometimes it is to sleep.


If you have been way up north, Michigan's Upper Peninsula, or just live in Bear Country north of Grand Rapids, it is not uncommon to have black bears do some dumpster diving at area businesses or even your cans out front of your house.

Tommy Carroll/TSM
Tommy Carroll/TSM

I've even been known to get into a dumpster at a donut shop to collect bear bait for bear hunting and I have to tell you it sucks. I did have a few people drive by to offer to buy me a donut and had to explain they weren't for me. Lol.

Are Michiganders Dumpster Diving at Cannabis Facilities?


I guess cannabis is like fruit and vegetables since it does have a shelf life. I never thought of what would happen to the outdated products. They toss them just as McDonald's does old hamburgers.


There have been some Michiganders who figured out that dispensaries have to dispose of outdated products and have been dumpster diving to get unused marijuana products.


According to FOX 17, the Michigan Cannabis Regulatory Agency recently had to send out a reminder to dispensaries that proper disposal of outdated marijuana is required and to use a facility that is licensed to handle expired cannabis.

See The Inside of a Michigan Marijuana Grow Facility

I did a tour of one of Michigan's largest indoor Marijuana grow facilities and this is what I saw and learned.

Gallery Credit: Tommy Carroll

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