Gull Lake School District is in the Top 60 Safest in Michigan?
A new ranking of Michigan’s top 60 safest school district has been published. Is your school district in the ranking? Gull Lake school district is.
The website Niche just published their analysis of Michigan school districts and their safety, Niche states that they are:
a platform that helps you discover the schools and neighborhoods that are right for you. We rigorously analyze dozens of public data sets and millions of reviews to produce comprehensive rankings, report cards, and profiles for every K-12 school, college, and neighborhood in the U.S.
Mlive reported that Niche based its analysis on:
- parent and student surveys
- the number suspensions
- expulsions
- law-enforcement referrals
- student-related arrests
- and per-pupil expenditures and absenteeism..
If you go to the Mlive article you will find the top 60 safest schools listed and a search engine to learn more about your school district.
In my listening area Gull Lake Community Schools in Kalamazoo County ranked the highest on the list coming in at #8.
Congratulations Gull Lake and let us all hope that we continue to see the safety in our schools increase.