House Party in Michigan Linked to Over 40 COVID-19 Cases
Another 4th of July party has led to an uptick of coronavirus cases in Michigan.
WXYZ Detroit reports that at least 43 cases of COVID-19 are being linked back to a house party that occurred over the holiday weekend in Saline, a suburb of Ann Arbor. The Washtenaw County Health Department says in addition to that there are 66 exposed close contact cases.
A close contact is anyone who had face-to-face contact with an identified case for 15 minutes or more.
The affected people from this party are all between 15 and 25 years of age. Considering the close contacts doesn't include family members in the household of those exposed, I'm curious as to why 15 and 25-year-olds are partying together. Seems kind of strange if you ask me. More importantly, though, young people are being urged to take the virus seriously. A health officer with the Washtenaw Health Department said
We need people of all ages, including young people, to take COVID-19 seriously and follow public health guidelines and instructions. That means avoiding large gatherings without physical distancing or face coverings.
Even Saline's Mayor commented on the matter saying
None of us wants to be the reason someone in our community or county becomes seriously ill or dies.
It doesn't matter where you live or what city you call home, that statement right there should be something that follows you anytime you leave the house or are coming in contact with other people.
According to the health department, the party has led to exposures of employees and participants at retail stores, businesses, restaurants, clubs, athletic teams, etc. including exposures in different counties. The health department continues to treat this as an ongoing investigation.
A similar situation occurred for partygoers on Torch Lake after several people who hung out at the sandbar all tested positive for COVID-19.
If you have come in contact or think you may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 you're advised to self-quarantine for 14 days.

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