Check Out This Forgotten Brewing Company Out Of Jackson
Drinking has been an American past-time at this point since the prohibition ended in the states. Back in its day too, you probably wouldn't have seen a ton of breweries, especially in the city of Jackson.
I recently discovered, one of four breweries of its time, down in Jackson. Take a look at some of the collectibles from the old brewery from when it was open for a brief period.
Forgotten Brewery Out Of Jackson, Michigan
This was a rather cool find of Jackson, Michigan history. It's rare to find a ton of products made for a company, especially one that wasn't opened for very long.
According to sources, the Haehnle Brewing Co. Inc., located in Jackson, Michigan was only open from 1934 to 1937.
Take a look at the finds from the short-lived Jackson area brewery below.
Check Out This Forgotten Brewing Company Out Of Jackson
Some of these finds were interesting. For its time and briefly lived life in the Jackson community, this is a rare and very interesting find.