FBI, McCabe and the Establishment Protecting Their Own
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, was fired on the recommendation of the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility not President Trump, let us first point out that fact.
The former Deputy Director McCabe was recommended to be fired by the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility because he authorized the disclosure of sensitive information to a reporter and then misled, another word for led to FBI investigators when asked about it. What do you think would happen to you or I if we lied to the FBI, ask former National Security Advisor to President Trump, Mike Flynn that.
There is really nothing more to this story then that, is there?
Well there is, the Democrats and some on the establishment of the right believe there is. In fact I am embarrassed to say that Republican Senator Marco Rubio stated on Sunday that deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe should have been able to retire instead of being fired just two days short of locking in his pension benefits.
Senator Rubio, a Republican, told NBC’s Meet the Press”
“I don’t like the way it happened. He should’ve been allowed to finish through the weekend”
Really Senator Rubio, is that what you said about Mike Flynn?
Senator Rubio, who else can lie to the FBI and get away with it without being held accountable, can the everyday average Joe and Jane lie to the FBI without being held responsible or just inside the beltway bureaucrats and politicians?
In fact Jonathan Turley, the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University, believes that McCabe is in a bit more trouble than just losing his pension. On Fox News’ “The Story with Martha MacCallum" last Thursday, Professor Turley told Martha that McCabe possibly should be more concerned about his own legal jeopardy. He pointed out that if McCabe “misled” (another word for lying) FBI investigators, he could be charged just like former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
In fact Mike Flynn does face prison time after pleading guilty to making a false statement about a meeting with Russian diplomats during the Trump transition period. Who did he allegedly “lie” to, the FBI.
Sound familiar?
Many are now stating that it appears that Mr. Flynn was forced to plead guilty, due to the fact that Mueller was driving him into bankruptcy, even though former FBI Director James Comey concluded that Flynn did not intend to lie and should not be charged criminally for the omission.
What I was not surprised to hear is that the Democrats apparently want to reward corruption and lying to the FBI by hiring McCabe for two days so he can start collecting his full pension at the ripe old age of 50.
You heard that correctly, are you surprised?
Let us first start off with Illinois Democratic Congressmen Luis Gutierrez, the champion of open borders and amnesty for all when he tweeted:
Luis V. Gutierrez ✔ @RepGutierrez
To Andrew McCabe: If you need a federal job, call me on Monday. I am serious. We have to stand up to bullies like @realDonaldTrump & @jeffsessions @USAGSessions #Resist #twill #AndrewMcCabeFired #standuptobullies #chicago @Comey 3:06 PM - Mar 17, 2018
Then we have Wisconsin Democratic Congressmen Mark Pocan who tweeted:
Rep. Mark Pocan ✔ @repmarkpocan
Andrew call me. I could use a good two-day report on the biggest crime families in Washington, D.C. 9:42 AM - Mar 17, 2018
And another one Maryland Democratic Congressmen Jamie Raskin who tweeted:
Rep. Jamie Raskin
Andrew McCabe: I have the need to hire a Special Senior Staff Attorney to help me with my work on the House Judiciary Committee dealing with threats to the Constitution and the rule of law in America. You're perfect for the job. DM me. 3:45 PM - Mar 17, 2018
How about another one, Minnesota Democratic Congressmen Tim Walz who also tweeted:
Rep. Tim Walz ✔ @RepTimWalz
This reckless attitude towards Americans’ lives and careers is exactly why this man should not be President. Mr. McCabe, if you need a federal job for a few days, give me a call. We value servant leadership around here. 11:23 AM - Mar 17, 2018
Now tell me that the Democratic Party is not corrupt looking to steal from the American people to fund their cronies and people they had working on the inside to take down a president. They are protecting their fellow animals in the swamp.
They are ready, willing and able to stick the American people, who they say they care about, with paying the full pension for someone proven to be a corrupt person at the top of the FBI.
Did you hear one single leader in the Democratic Party denounce what some of their fellow Democrats tweeted and offered to a man that the FBI’s own Office of Professional Responsibility recommended he be fired before he receives his full pension?
No, not one. That should tell all you moderate Democrats that this party is so far off the tracks and no longer the party of yesteryear. This should really make you seriously consider not voting for any of them to send a signal to the party to straighten up. The Tea Party did so on the Republican side it is now time for the everyday Democrat to do so on their side.