Does This Local Lansing TV Station, Actually Have An Outdoor Pool?
We all have something we can brag about that our workplace has over another place, right?
For instance, we have a popcorn maker inside the building...It's not as cool as maybe a pool or margarita maker, but I hear the margarita maker might be in the works.
Does This Lansing TV Station Actually Have A Pool?
Reporting the news, while taking a dip in the pool. That's a good slogan if you ask me...
To answer the proposed question, yes, a local TV station here in Lansing actually does have an outdoor pool.
So, why does this station actually have a pool? There's a bit of an extensive history there.
The History Of Why WLNS TV-6 Has An Outdoor Pool
If you didn't know it, WLNS used to hold the callsign of WJIM-TV. The WJIM call letters are notorious in Lansing, holding the call letters for 97.5 NOW-FM - WJIM-FM & 1240 WJIM-AM in Lansing.
At one point, WJIM-TV, 97.5 FM, 1240 all used to be housed inside the WJIM country house. Ironically, the first WJIM was won allegedly in a game of cards, which spawned the infamous three stations in Lansing.
So, why is there a pool?
Allegedly, the building used to be a hotel or was built to double at a hotel. Gross, who originally won the first JIM, was uncertain where the TV would go, or if it would take off. A rumor is swirling around that, it was originally meant to double as a hotel in case the TV side fell through.
Why Is WLNS Named WLNS Today?
So, why aren't there still three WJIMs, in Lansing?
Long story short, there was a lawsuit battle that had taken place back in the '70s, which took a big toll on Gross, who decided to step away and sell the business. Once he sold the radio and television stations to two different companies, it caused a chain reaction.
During the time of the sale, the FCC prohibited radio stations and TV stations to have the same callsigns in a market, if they were not jointly owned.