We all have something we can brag about that our workplace has over another place, right?

For instance, we have a popcorn maker inside the building...It's not as cool as maybe a pool or margarita maker, but I hear the margarita maker might be in the works.

Does This Lansing TV Station Actually Have A Pool?

Reporting the news, while taking a dip in the pool. That's a good slogan if you ask me...

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To answer the proposed question, yes, a local TV station here in Lansing actually does have an outdoor pool.

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So, why does this station actually have a pool? There's a bit of an extensive history there.

The History Of Why WLNS TV-6 Has An Outdoor Pool

If you didn't know it, WLNS used to hold the callsign of WJIM-TV. The WJIM call letters are notorious in Lansing, holding the call letters for 97.5 NOW-FM - WJIM-FM & 1240 WJIM-AM in Lansing.

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At one point, WJIM-TV, 97.5 FM, 1240 all used to be housed inside the WJIM country house. Ironically, the first WJIM was won allegedly in a game of cards, which spawned the infamous three stations in Lansing.

So, why is there a pool?

Allegedly, the building used to be a hotel or was built to double at a hotel. Gross, who originally won the first JIM, was uncertain where the TV would go, or if it would take off. A rumor is swirling around that, it was originally meant to double as a hotel in case the TV side fell through.

Why Is WLNS Named WLNS Today?

So, why aren't there still three WJIMs, in Lansing?

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Long story short, there was a lawsuit battle that had taken place back in the '70s, which took a big toll on Gross, who decided to step away and sell the business. Once he sold the radio and television stations to two different companies, it caused a chain reaction.

During the time of the sale, the FCC prohibited radio stations and TV stations to have the same callsigns in a market, if they were not jointly owned.

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