Did You Know That Whitmer Hid Her Extension Of 25% Restaurant Capacity
This one even slipped by me and I admit I should have looked under the covers of this high school restart announcement to see what Whitmer was hiding. Shame on me to think the Whitmer administration would be transparent with the citizens of Michigan.
MLive is reporting that Whitmer “cloaked an extension of the restrictions earlier this month behind an announcement to restart high school contact sports”. By “cloaked” they mean snuck in extending Michigan restaurants limit to 25% and curfew at 10 p.m. from February 21 to March 29th.
The question is why did she hide it, could she possibly be ashamed of what she is doing with and to people’s lives? No not at all, she was hiding from the expected blowback.
Charles Owens, Michigan director of the National Federation of Independent Business stated:
“She did it under the radar, but we were aware of it...The shiny object was the high school sports starting up again”
Mr. Owens went on to say:
“Owens said. “We weren’t surprised. We were disappointed.”
A spokesperson for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services was asked did she really hide this in her high school announcement. That spokesperson did confirm that she did and the restaurant restrictions were extended to March 29th.
Did you know that Michigan was one of the last states to reopen restaurants? How are these people actually making it through her reign of _______, you fill in the blank.
Interesting to note that the Michigan Restaurant and Lodging Association has proposed a plan that would tie fully opening restaurants to the percentage of COVID-19 tests coming back positive. According to the MLive article, their plan would allow restaurants to reopen at 100% capacity without restrictions once Michigan dipped below a 3% positivity rate. To put that number in context Michigan’s current positivity rate is approximately 3.5%, using the seven-day average.
Now the interesting part is Whitmer’s response to the plan in which she stated: "that implementation and easing of restrictions are being determined by comprehensive data analysis with full context in mind, rather than automatic triggers based on individual data points”.
What she is saying is that there are no real data points that they are using to determine what they are doing or when to end what they are doing.
Is that who and what you want leading this state.
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