Detroit Door Dash Driver To The Rescue! Finds Toddler In Only A Diaper Walking Down The Street
I do enjoy a feel-good story, especially these days. That story goes like this…He was at the right place at the right time and cared enough to inquire. Sunday morning a Detroit man working as a Door Dash driver happened to notice a toddler walking down 8-mile road at approximately 11 a.m. in the morning, the temperature was 38 degrees. The young boy was wearing only a diaper and a pair of socks.
Did he go about his delivery, no he did not? The man’s name is Robert Jackson III and he told his story to Fox 2 Detroit. Mr. Jackson said:
I was going down 8 Mile, going east on 8 Mile. I saw something in the distance, but I wasn't sure what it was and as I got closer I noticed that's a kid. And I said: 'Oh my God.'
He then stated:
He was standing in the middle of Eight Mile like this…he was shaking, his hands and his lips were purple and his fingers were purple…A baby - yeah man I know. You can't ask him who is mommy is. He can't talk…Look, he has no shoes.
He was obviously very concerned for the child’s safety, so he stopped his car, picked up the young boy, wrapped him in his coat and put him in his car to warm him up. He then stopped another vehicle and asked them to call 911 for help.
The story does end well. The boy was taken to the hospital to be evaluated. According to Fox 2 Detroit, the young boy is “doing OK”.
An investigation was started by the police and it appears the young boy’s 16-year-old sibling was supposed to be babysitting him. Both the police and child protective services have opened an investigation into this incident.
I would not want to be that 16-year-old. If the 16-year-old was mine there would be no computer, cell phone, car or out with your friend for a very long time. There would be no published end date on that punishment.