Democrats Knock Republican Staffer Unconscious
As I have been stating on my Radio program, Live with Renk, for the last year things are getting scary here in America. The democrats are turning to violence and aggression in their so called “protests.”
A female staffer for California Republican Congressmen Dana Rohrabacher was knocked unconscious during a protest at his Orange County California office, as reported by a local CBS affiliate.
The female staffer was attempting to leave the office through the front door, novel concept, when protesters jerked the door open which caused her to fall and hit her head rendering her unconscious. In doing so the protesters also knocked down a 2 year old child.
Real nice people who just want to protest or unruly mobs, you decide.
The attack on this female staffer was perpetrated by a left wing group calling themselves Indivisible OC. Interesting that the police were called to the scene and no arrests were made, I guess that is California for you.
Republican Congressmen Rohrabacher stated the following in a statement on this attack:
I am outraged beyond words that protesters who mobbed my Huntington Beach office violently knocked down my faithful district director, Kathleen Staunton, causing her to be hospitalized. And, yes, deliberate or not, the incident came as part of a mob action that not only intimidates but coerces. Though the protesters think of themselves as idealists, they engaged in political thuggery, pure and simple
We all have the right to PEACEFULLY protest, the problem these days is the left supported by the Democrat party no longer understands what peaceful means.
Incidents of these aggressive “protest” and now numbering in the 100’s, this is not a one off incident.
These multiple incidents must be condemned by peace loving people and if the Democrat party and their operatives do not come out and denounce this type of behavior then that really concerns me and should concern all intelligent people.
Those of you who still vote Democrat might want to consider who and what you are hitching your wagon to.
The Live with Renk show airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts call(269) 441-9595
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