Coronavirus Cases Reach 1,250 at MSU
So much has been going on lately at Michigan State University. Not only is MSU placing more than 700 students who work in dorms, dining halls and around campus on furlough, MSU has also topped 1,200 cases of COVID-19.
According to the Lansing State Journal, "since the semester started, 1,250 cases of COVID-19 have been tied to MSU, and that includes students, faculty and staff."
"According to Ingham County Health Officer Linda Vail, cases are now 40% of the 3,230 cases reported in Ingham County since the beginning of the epidemic." (LSJ)
As you know, Linda Vail issued an emergency order earlier this month requiring residents of 30 fraternities, sororities and rental houses to quarantine themselves for two weeks.
And then later, Vail amended the order to include 11 more properties and removed two quarantined houses from the list.
"Vail also said, contact tracing efforts have identified positive COVID cases at some of the larger apartment complexes around MSU." (LSJ)
To me, it just seems like everywhere you go or anytime you listen to the news on the radio or watch it on TV, the spread of COVID-19 is just not letting up any time soon.
So for now, "health officials in Ingham County have limited outdoor gatherings to no more than 25 people in parts of East Lansing close to campus." (LSJ)
Just think about this, fewer than 2,000 students are living in MSU residence halls this fall. During a normal school year, that number is closer to 14,500.
Stopping the spread of the coronavirus is going to take the cooperation of everyone and that includes young and old alike and even the people who think this is nothing but a hoax.