We are finally getting our first true hit from the snow here, and with that, there are a lot of factors that need to be considered before you go out on the roadways. For one, here in the state of Michigan, it is illegal to drive with any snow on your car.

While a burden, in the state of Michigan, it is considered a danger to have snow on your car, not just for your safety, but the safety of other drivers on the roadways this week.

Michigan Drivers: Beware Of This Danger on the Roads This Week

Temperatures this week have hit an all time low... no seriously! Did you know, that this week in Michigan alone, it is colder here in Michigan than places like Alaska and Antarctica?

With that being sad, there is something you should be warned of before you start making your way out and about on those roadways.


It sounds so simple to say, and kind of annoying to hear. But black ice...

Did you know that salt begins to have issues melting ice at about 15 degrees frighten? Temperatures this week have been either below zero or just hovering above in the single digits.

While studies do show that salt can continue to work at a temperature of below six, it is still not as effective as if it were going to be used when temperatures were around 30's instead.

With that being said, if you do hit a patch of black ice, don't go against it. Go with it, and let off the breaks a bit, and slowly apply pressure again. The worst thing you can do when hitting an ice or snow patch is to begin panicking.

Snow Rollers: Michigan Snow Removal, 1800s-1900s

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