I love Michigan and have been on-air & programming radio stations all over our beloved state including Flint, Saginaw, Detroit, Grand Rapids and now Kalamazoo. I constantly crave a good round of golf and a good local Michigan brewed IPA. I also enjoy Kayaking, Biking, Fantasy Football and many home improvement projects that keep me busy when not on the radio. I Love being back in West Michigan and back on a morning show in particular. This is going to be fun listeners of WRKR – please feel free to contact me about anything and everything RKR if ever you have a question, comment, or complaint – I’m here for you and thank you allowing us to be a part of your lives! JT
Restrictions Could Shut Down Commercial Fishing In Michigan For Good
The beef between the DNR and the commercial fishing industry is so heated now that a lawsuit has been filed by the industry f
Michigan’s Unemployed To Get $300 More A Week Just Not Sure When
Some unemployed Michiganders have already started receiving their $300. Others have not. As a matter of fact, some Michiganders are not receiving any benefits at all.
Last Survivor Of Lake Michigan’s Largest Ship Wreck Has Died
the Bradley sinking claimed more lives, featured an unbelievable night of four men clinging to a small raft and the thrilling rescue attempt,
Gray Wolves In Michigan To Come Off Endangered Species List
Many feel the delisting is too early and the danger is in how much new leeway will be given to destroying the wolves to dangerously low levels once again
8 Things Every Michigan Driver Knows
There is approximately three and half feet between me and the car ahead of me. Plenty of room for you to just squeeze in without warning or use of a turn signal.
The Most Feared Animals In Michigan
As your tending to your deep wounds the Eagle circles for the kill. It lands on your back and quickly begins to grab the side of your neck and throat, the powerful grip of its talons begins to squeeze the breath out of you causing your veins and blood vessels to burst.