Another Mosquito-borne Illness Found In Michigan
Not only do you have to worry about Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) right now, you also should be aware of a confirmed case of West Nile Virus in a 70-year-old Oakland county resident.
This is the first human case found in Oakland county, and the fourth time the virus has been confirmed this year.
“This is an important reminder that West Nile Virus is present in our community,” Leigh-Anne Stafford, health officer for Oakland County Health Division said. “We strongly encourage residents to protect themselves from mosquitoes until the first hard frost of the year.”
Older adults are being told by health officials to protect themselves from mosquito bites, however, people of all ages should attempt to avoid mosquito bites
You can find out ways to prevent yourself from mosquito bites here, from the CDC website.