Abandoned Houses Found in the Michigan Thumb
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter these properties. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
There have been many abandoned Michigan places featured…and there are so many more out there. One section of Michigan that doesn’t get explored as often as northern Michigan, is the Thumb. That’s a shame, because there is so much to discover!
While many explorers, thrill-seekers, tourists, and adventurers head north to discover hidden Michigan communities there’s a good number of them in the thumb that get ignored…and still they wait for your visit.
The photo gallery below shows a handful of abandoned homes in the Thumb. Some of these homes look like they may have been pretty majestic in their heyday. Looking at these images, the architecture looks much different than the homes found in northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula. A couple of them are pretty impressive – but rundown – on the outside, but inside…well, that’s another story.

The first house, overgrown with weeds, trees, and bushes, reminds me of the “House Of The Seven Gables” from the Nathaniel Hawthorne novel of the same name…even though I counted five gables, it sure looks similar. The insides recall the house in the wood in the original “Blair Witch” movie.
The second house is in an area with those creepy “War of the World’s windmills. The house made me think of the one the kids come across in “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”.
The third one is less creepy, but it appears to sit alone on a patch of farmland, partially obscured by trees and bushes.
It seems like there is a fourth one which looks similar to the first, made of brick and mostly gutted.
Remember, exploring is fun, but don’t trespass and always get permission (like these guys did) to avoid being prosecuted. Neighbors keep alert, you know.
Abandoned Houses in the Michigan Thumb