WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

Somewhere on the northwestern shore of Lake Superior, not far from Isle Royale, lies an abandoned silver mine. It sits camouflaged and hidden by fallen trees and plenty of underbrush, with wildlife all around. This region was once rich with silver ore - maybe it still is, who knows? Nearby is Silver Islet, considered to be the richest source of silver, now buried underwater but still very visible from the air.

This particular mine – visited during winter - has open shafts with about 100-foot drops – dangerous for humans and animals who are too busy trying to get through the foliage to pay attention where they're going. Around the mine are bear tracks in the snow, evidently made by a bear who woke from hibernation a little early.

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Inside the mine are little waterfalls, caverns, tunnels, thick icicles, ledges, crevasses, and drop-offs. The name of this particular silver mine is unknown (at least to me, anyway), but these videographers must have gotten information and location of this place SOMEwhere...it seems they knew exactly where it was and how to get there.

I'll bet there are a good number of other abandoned mines, sitting undiscovered in that area and northern Michigan. Lucky for us, these videographers captured the insides of this underground mine to show us a sampling of how it looks. Take a look and see...

Abandoned Silver Mine, Lake Superior


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