Abandoned 1860 One-Room Schoolhouse in Allegan County, Michigan
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
I'm not sure what town or village utilized this old Casco Township schoolhouse in Allegan County. Was it Lacota, Lee, Pullman? Who knows? All I know is, it sits in the lower right corner of the township out in the countryside, away from all those towns.
The school was built in 1860 on the northeast corner of 102nd Avenue and 62nd Street. However, if you visit the old school, it sits in the southwest corner. Was it moved? Or was a mistake made on the maps and atlases?
The building operated as a school until 1904, and then used as a farmhouse until 1974. From then on, it stood deserted for decades. Info also states that the school was moved to Baseline Road...but it is NOT on Baseline Road, which is further south. So what gives with all this differing information?

Was there an actual village called 'Casco'? There was a West Casco on the west end of the township, and a 'New Casco' which was re-named 'Glenn' in 1976. The book Michigan Place Names lists an actual place called 'Casco' with its post office being 'West Casco'. But these communities are nowhere near this old school, so I don't know which village or town the kids came from to attend classes.
Now I'm confusing myself.
At least you can take a look at it. The gallery below shows some images from inside and out of this classic old schoolhouse.
Abandoned Crow Schoolhouse, Allegan County