If you didn't think being outdoors can add some years to your life, then you need to check with Muskegon Counties 90-year-old Janie Garza who just bagged her buck!

According to WZZM, not only is Janie Garza considered one of West Michigan's best hunters, she is also completely blind in one eye but that didn't stop her from bagging a 6-point last week.

Garza said, "I just love being in the woods and not thinking about anything else."

Garza didn't start hunting until she was in her 70s and that is how she lost sight in one of her eyes. She had a hunting accident with a bow when the release hit her eye leaving the one eye sightless.

The accident didn't hurt her shooting accuracy because when target practicing she nails the bulls eye with her crossbow.

That accident with a bow left Janie completely blind in one eye but her husband Ron Spring said it did not affect her accuracy.

Garza usually bags at least two deer each season for an entire decade. Most recently she whacked a nice 6 point buck.

Looks like the freezer is full for Garza and she is looking forward to next season already.


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